Weobley High – Citizenship
Citizenship is an important part of the student curriculum at Weobley High. We encourage students to be part of the community and understand their responsibilities within this.
Students in year 7 and 8 follow timetabled lessons that cover the topics from the national curriculum program of study. Students are encouraged to use their discussion skills and to develop their own opinions on important topics.
Students in Year 7 will study the following topics
- Rights and Responsibilities
- The Community
- The History of Parliament
- The Real World – Money Matters
Students in Year 8 will examine the following topics
- Trade your way – Money and Business
- Parliament
- Liberties and Responsibilities
- The Justice System
Weobley High for citizenship aims to ensure that all pupils:
- acquire a sound knowledge and understanding of how the United Kingdom is governed, its political system and how citizens participate actively in its democratic systems of government
- develop a knowledge and understanding of the role of law and the justice system in our society and how laws are shaped and enforced
- Have an interest in volunteering while developing an understanding of the benefits on a personal level and the benefits to the community
- equipped the students with the skills to think critically and debate political questions, to enable them to manage their money on a day-to-day basis, and plan for future financial needs
- To have a safe space to debate topics and express their views with respect to other points of view
- Students will be introduced to where to find reliable information relating to the topics
- Literacy and numeracy hold an important place within the citizenship curriculum with regular opportunities to develop these key skills.
- Students will be able to show their developed attitudes of respect of different points of view, cultures and worldviews into their future workplace and their community.
- Students will reflect on principle key concepts relating to important issues such as democracy and justice.
- They will be able to assess and consider their own personal accountability and wider global responsibilities towards political issues.
- Students will have a financial awareness that will enable them to look at interest rates and the problem of getting into debt
The impact of the curriculum is measured in a variety of ways, including
- Learning walks
- Google Classroom Schemes of work
- Marking / teacher feedback opportunities
- Effective questioning techniques
- Key terms
- Student grade reviews and progress tracking.
- Discussion of wider media related stories.
Subject content Key stage 3
Teaching should develop pupils’ understanding of democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Pupils should use and apply their knowledge and understanding whilst developing skills to research and interrogate evidence, debate and evaluate viewpoints, present reasoned arguments and take informed action.
Pupils should be taught about:
- the development of the political system of democratic government in the United Kingdom, including the roles of citizens, Parliament and the monarch
- the operation of Parliament, including voting and elections, and the role of political parties
- the precious liberties enjoyed by the citizens of the United Kingdom
- the nature of rules and laws and the justice system, including the role of the police and the operation of courts and tribunals
- the roles played by public institutions and voluntary groups in society, and the ways in which citizens work together to improve their communities, including opportunities to participate in school-based activities
- the functions and uses of money, the importance and practice of budgeting, and managing risk
Curriculum Structure:
Year 7 | Year 8 |
Rights and Responsibilities: Rules What is fair? What is not fair? Rights Responsibilities Having a say | Trade your way – group work: found on the website Activities designed to improve student’s discussion and group work. Any group work ideas would fit well with this but there are specific ones available on the website: http://citizenship.weobleyhigh.co.uk
Communities and Identities: What are communities? Living in and improving communities Public institutions and services Volunteer groups | Liberties and freedom: Human rights – what are they and why are they important? What freedoms do we have in the UK? Protesting The right to education What other rights should we have? Ideas to think about – Covid Pandemic Freedom V safety – forced vaccinations for health care workers?
Assessment – Group debate : Group debate / presentation on improving communities. Students to present ideas that would help improve communities on a:
1. School Level 2. Local Level 3. National Level
It should be a different idea for each category. Students should reference rights and responsibilities within each category.
| The Justice System: Why have a justice system? What are laws? What is the role of the police? What are the different types of courts? The right to defence
History of Parliament: What is parliament? The development of parliament and the monarchy / An overview of parliament’s history Key events such as Guy Fawkes
| Assessment – Written test on Justice and Liberties |
Real Life: Employment / Salaries What to do with money Budgeting – real bills Borrowing / interest and Debt Money hacks – shop around
| The role of Parliament: What are political parties? What is an MP? What are elections and the different voting systems? What are policies and why are they important? |
Assessment – Written Quiz / test
| Assessment Mock Election / Policies: |
Extra: RSE/ Health issues / Online safety |