We understand that children now live in a digital world, with social media, online gaming, etc. While this provides huge benefits for communication with their friends and family, there are also risks in using these platforms which, as parents, you should be aware of.

Please see some of the information below as a guide to help you support your child using the internet and devices safely and responsibly.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP)

CEOP is the government body made up of police and technical specialists for keeping children safe online. They continue to produce informative resources designed for parents, students and teachers. We have links to some of their resources below, you can access the ThinkUKnow website here.

CEOP YouTube Channel: Some excellent video resources to help you keep safe online.

#OnlineSafetyAtHome packs

Additional information

Click the images below to go to the relevant websites:

UK Safer Internet Centre logo
UK Safer Internet Centre