The Behaviour Policy underpins three key aims of the school:
- To provide for every child a disciplined environment in which they can thrive.
- To maximise for each child his/her ability to participate in, to contribute to and gain enjoyment from their education.
- To give each student an awareness of their responsibility to our community and society.
The Behaviour Policy aims to:
- Foster a positive culture based on praise and reward, leading to consistently high standards of work and behaviour.
- Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour.
- Reward pupils who obey the Code of Conduct and work to the best of their ability.
- To ensure students receive consistent rewards and sanctions.
The Behaviour Policy sets out clearly a Code of Conduct for pupils to follow. The six rules for school and classroom conduct are based upon commonly accepted principles. The code will be taught to all pupils so that they clearly understand what is required. The aim is for pupils to recognise that they choose the way they behave and that a positive choice to support the school’s Code of Conduct will lead to success for all. Conversely, if they do not choose to follow the code, then they will be choosing a sanction.
We encourage parents to take an active interest in their sons’/daughters’ progress. We undertake to contact parents early on if problems are occurring.
The quality of relationships in the school and at home is of crucial importance in forming pupils’ attitudes to good social behaviour and self-discipline. Adults provide powerful role models for children and should therefore, model the values such as courtesy and respect in all their dealings with others adults and students in the school.
The teaching staff will use the following approach
- They will praise good behaviour and achievement and use the school’s reward system consistently;
- Key rules will be reinforced whenever possible by acknowledging pupils who are following them;
- Prior to making a negative check on anyone, the teacher will draw attention to the Code of Conduct. This will give pupils who break rules a chance to improve behaviour rather than receiving a sanction;
- It will be made clear to pupils that they have a choice – they may choose not to have a sanction by complying with the rules; choice reinforces personal responsibility.
- Teachers will set clear objectives and will give instructions through simple, direct language.
- Sanctions will be applied consistently.
Pupils will be expected to follow two Codes of Conduct: `The School Code of Conduct’ governing behaviour around school and, `The Classroom Code of Conduct’ which particularly relates to behaviour in lessons.
Students who follow the Codes of Conduct and work to the best of their ability will be recognised and rewarded. Students who are following the Code of Conduct will receive Merits, these will be recorded on our web-based system E-Praise. This System will allow students and parents to log on to their own accounts, so that they can clearly see merit points totals and why they were given.
There will be:
- Praise from members of staff.
- Merits awarded on E-Praise
- Milestone certificates
- Out of school reward trips and opportunities.
- Certificates, postcards and badges for achievement.
Community Awards
Community awards are given to students who are consistently reinforcing the ethos of the school as outlined in ‘The School Code of Conduct’. Merit awards and certificates may be given for any of the following:
High standards of:
- Conduct
- Punctuality
- Organisation (being well-equipped for lessons)
- Uniform
- Consideration of others
- Care for the environment
- Contribution to Community Activities
Learning Coordinator Commendation
Learning Coordinators may give a Commendation Award to individuals who have contributed significantly to any aspect of our community or are excelling at School. Pupils will be congratulated in person by the Learning Co-ordinator and will be given a certificate.
Headteacher’s Commendation
Students, who have produced particularly high standards of work for their ability, may be referred by a subject teacher to the Headteacher for a letter of commendation. Students will be congratulated in person by the Headteacher and be given a certificate.