Weobley High – Drama
- Much of the work is creative: during a single lesson, students often construct a meaningful piece of Drama.
- Students are regularly encouraged to reflect upon what they have achieved or learned.
- Independent learning is an inescapable fact of life for the student of Drama.
- Pupils regularly evaluate their own work during lessons; they are also given frequent opportunities to reflect on their learning experiences in written form. We have incorporated a section for parents to complete at the end of every evaluation sheet.
- The new S.O.W. at KS3 incorporates regular opportunities for pupils to evaluate their own work. This changes to reflect current trends and embeds interview techniques.
- As a department we also appreciate pupils’ opinions, therefore we have included a fun interactive quiz on our VLE. Why not take it and see if you’re more of a backstage helper, supportive actor or star performer.
- We work together with the Music and Art department to produce a summer show, alternating between a Big Show and Variety Concert allowing all at Weobley a chance to participate in Drama.
There is also an opportunity to attend a KS3 Drama club once a week and at KS4 Drama we also offer students the ability to learn and work with the more technical aspects of the G.C.S.E course.
There are also spare Edexcel revision guides and the Edexcel Drama Workbook for sale if any pupils wish to purchase them or see me for the codes. All KS4 have a set text.
Drama revision resource (new tab)
Les Mis Production
The Drama curriculum at Weobley High School is designed to give every pupil access to a broad, ambitious and varied curriculum that embeds skills and knowledge, introducing key elements that instil transferable skills through the knowledge of theatre and the performance arts process. It will help to develop their cultural capital– assets that give pupils social mobility through the exploration of a range of practical and technical conventions. It is inclusive well planned, sequenced and ambitious enough for all students to make progression allowing SEND and disadvantage students to make the same progress.
We equip our pupils with important aspects that include innovative conventions and styles with knowledge and understanding about genre, characterisation and relevant subject specific terminology.
Pupils are encouraged to develop their individual character, expressing their ideas and views in a safe and respectful setting considering a variety of viewpoints, values and attitudes. We look to develop a range of performance tools and skills to thrive outside of the classroom. We are committed to providing opportunities to build confidence, resilience and independence contributing positively to the whole school.
Our curriculum is designed to empathise and engage with others outside their own social, cultural and historical setting as well as appreciation for The Arts.
The Drama curriculum is planned and sequenced alongside English at KS3 with an all-important introduction to Shakespeare (and a Shakespearian play) to help develop skills required when accessing scripted works in both English and Drama at KS4. At Key Stage 3 it allows pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding of group work, problem solving and communication skills all relevant and transferable in the wider context.
Our curriculum provides opportunities to learn both independently and collaboratively with a chance to build on performance and public speaking aspects. We teach a variety. Each year group has key vocabulary that is central to the pupils’ learning and is fully integrated into lesson planning in the form of a glossary.
There are opportunities for non-specialist teachers to work to their strengths and deliver this varied curriculum in a way that allows both pupils and educators to work in a comfortable and progressive setting. This ensures that pupils are all given the grounding in which to support their Key Stage 4 examinations and beyond. The sequencing and context of lessons enables skills to be practised and refined across all key stages whilst preparing our learners for the transition to the next phase of their education or into the workplace.
At Key Stage 4 we develop and improve upon the skills learned at Key Stage 3. Pupils follow the Edexcel Drama specification.
The school recognises the importance of Live Theatre visits and therefore pupils are exposed to a variety of live performances in the shape of Theatre visits, workshops as well as visiting Theatre companies. These allow pupils to really understand the impact that Live Theatre can have, as well as political and social views being explored in a very different way that pupils may not have been exposed to previously as well as exploring contemporary issues in a safe environment.
At Weobley High School the impact of the Drama Curriculum will be such that:
- Pupils will leave with a passion, understanding and knowledge of Drama and its impact in the wider community
- They will be able to communicate ideas with confidence and will be critical thinkers, able to reflect and consider multiple viewpoints. This will be reflected in national examination results and the progression shown by the individual learners.
- Pupils will feel prepared for the next transition into education or employment and will have confidence in the subject, having embedded, developed and applied knowledge and skills learned from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4.
We assess this impact by the regular monitoring of our teaching and the assessment of pupils’ learning and understanding. Recording and uploading work that pupils can then reflect upon for the practical aspect of the course. Assessments may happen in a range of ways, such as questioning, evaluation, practical exploration, extended writing, decision-making exercises, time management, implementation of specific skill and self- or peer-assessment. Teachers are clear about the assessment criteria, which both helps pupils to improve their attainment and motivates them. Assessments are designed in line with course content and timing of practical, scripted and written examination so that teachers can identify specific gaps in pupils’ knowledge and any misconceptions.
We measure the impact of our curriculum in a variety of ways including:
- Learning walks/lesson observations and professional dialogue with teachers.
- Book Monitoring.
- Pupil engagement and teacher feedback.
- Interviewing pupils about their learning. / Recording and reflection on Google Classroom
- Improved subject vocabulary.
- Pupil and teacher progress tracking.
- Attainment and achievement outcomes.
- Attendance and behaviour data.
- Evidence of wider cultural and intellectual enrichment.