Weobley High - Careers
We offer Careers guidance to all students from years 7 to 11, through timetabled classes, consultation days, assemblies, displays and a variety of career related events. All students have access to the careers website, Unifrog, in which they build up their own profile of Careers education. One to one guidance interviews are offered to all students in year 11. Students are always welcome to drop in to the careers room for support during break and lunch times.
You will find a brief outline of the careers programme for each Year group on the links on this page.
In addition to year group specific activities, we also promote the idea of Careers education embedded throughout the curriculum and through activities such as national Careers Week.
Careers Leader: Mr Jones
Careers Advisor: Mrs Stanton
Work Experience
All students in Year 11 are offered the opportunity to go on work experience in order to gain an invaluable experience of the world of work. We work with parents, students and employees to ensure that this week is a success for our students.
Management of Provider Access Requests Procedure
Weobley High School can arrange access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997. Please contact the school through the main school email at admin@weobleyhigh.co.uk if you wish to come and speak to pupils about your institution.
Related Policies
Careers Policy
Provider Access Policy
Useful Links
Useful links for post 16 opportunities
Heart of Worcestershire College
Herefordshire and Ludlow College
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Group Training Association
Promoting a career development culture is an essential part of the mission and ethos of our school. We aim to support the aspirations of all our learners and to ensure that they gain the understanding, skills and experience they need to make progress and succeed in learning and work. We believe that effective Careers Education and Guidance not only contributes to the well-being of individuals but also to the wellbeing of their families, the communities to which they belong, wider society, businesses and the economy.
We are committed to meeting national and local expectations in relation to careers by:
- securing independent and impartial careers guidance for Y8-11 as required by the 2011 Education Act. In implementing this duty, we will pay particular regard to the DfE’s principles of good practice (Section 10 of the statutory guidance, March 2015) and Ofsted’s inspection criteria for evaluating careers provision in schools (September 2015)
- fulfilling our duties under the Equality Act 2010 to promote equality of opportunity, foster good relations across all people, eliminate harassment and discriminatory practices and support children with protected characteristics
Our careers strategy is informed by these current priorities:
- Supporting individual aspirations, improving attainment and ensuring positive destinations
- Meeting the needs of specific groups including looked after children, young carers and children from economically-deprived backgrounds
- Inducting all students from 7-11 on to the Unifrog platform
- Developing learners’ career management skills, especially those associated with career adaptability, resilience, enterprise and employability
- Improving young people’s working lives by helping them to identify the values that are important to them such as contributing to the wellbeing of others through their paid and voluntary work and working in greener ways
- Working with parents/carers, education, the community and business partners to meet students’ career development needs
- Ensuring all Year 11 students receive the offer of a one to one independent careers meeting with a qualified careers advisor
- Allowing all Year 10 students to undergo a week of work experience
- Implementation of the Gatsby benchmarks to support the development of Careers and Guidance
- Identify a senior member of staff to advise the senior leadership team and governors on curriculum, staffing and resource requirements; and to lead the development
- Ensure that the governing body is actively involved in shaping careers policy and strategy through its committee structure
- Actively engage with Post 16 providers and ensure access to our students as set out under the Provider Access Policy 2022
All pupils transition from Weobley High School with a recognised pathway Post 16. This will ensure there will be no NEET pupils. If this should be the case measures are in place to deal with this.
Year 7
Year 7 will be introduced to a careers platform called Unifrog. This will enable them to explore different career paths and options for their future. Throughout the year, students will be able to:
- Take part in Careers Treasure Hunts
- Learn what skills are and why they are important
- Think about their dream job
- Learn how to record activities on Unifrog
- Start to build up their interest’s profile on Unifrog
Year 8
Year 8 – Students will continue to explore Careers throughout dedicated careers sessions and also through their citizenship lessons. They will continue to use the careers platform Unifrog and continue to develop their profiles. The units they will look at will include:
- Career terminology and the world of work
- GCSE choices
- What does success mean to students?
- Different activities and competencies required in the world of work
- Careers library treasure hunt
Year 9
Year 9 – A very important year for students as they make their option choices for GCSE. Students will all receive information with regards to option choices and will all have a meeting with the Head Teacher to discuss their choices. All students will be invited to attend the National Careers Show held at the Birmingham NEC to demonstrate the enormous wealth of careers opportunities available to them. Students will also have the opportunity to further explore the careers platform Unifrog and continue to develop their profiles. The units they will study will include:
- Identifying interests and skills that make them unique
- Subject library treasure hunts
- Wellbeing – Being kind to yourself
- Leadership – What makes a great leader
- Your Skills, Your Team, Your Future
- Talking about activities
Year 10
Year 10 – The Work Experience programme is launched in the Autumn Term. The week of work experience takes place during the summer term but preparation all takes place during Year 10. Students are actively encouraged to take ownership of the process by choosing their own placements, with help and guidance where appropriate. There are a variety of activities to prepare the students for the world of work including CV Writing workshops, formal letter workshops, preparation for college and apprenticeship interviews and a mock interview conducted by professionals from the business and further education sectors. To help students prepare for the choices they must make, guest speakers from local colleges and training providers are invited to speak to the students in assemblies.
Each year students are invited to take part in a trip to University as part of the school’s inspiration agenda.
Universities recently visited include Birmingham, Birmingham City and Worcester
Students will also continue to use Unifrog to help them with their future choices. The modules they will cover will include:
- Teamwork: What makes a great team player
- Work Experience – How to contact employers
- Unifrog escape room
- Personality profiles
- Work Experience, CV’s and Cover letters
- Work Experience – researching possible placements
Year 11
During year 11 students continue to prepare for their GCSE’s and life after school. They will take part in a number of assemblies from Post-16 providers as well as being introduced to the National Citizenship Service. There will be a number of events held for the Year 11s including a Careers Speed networking event where they will be introduced to, and be able to find out about more than 25 employers. Students will take part in the three colleges taster day and will then begin to start applying for Post 16 options.
Students will continue to build upon their profiles within Unifrog and will cover the following modules:
- Post 16 Choices
- Busting BTEC MYTHS
- A-Level Choices
- Revision Techniques Good Vs Bad
- Introduction to Apprenticeships
- Coping with Changes – Leaving Secondary
- Green Jobs
Information for Parents/Carers
As a school we want to work alongside parents to offer students a strong Careers Education Information and Guidance (CEIAG) programme. To help you support your child we will offer the following provisions:
- All Students will have access to the Unifrog platform which has a whole host of careers and further education information
- Our careers programme is available to view on the school website (broken down into Key Stage and Year group).
- We will provide access to the most up to date Labour Market Information (LMI) on our website where possible.
- The Careers Advisors Mrs Stanton will be available to all students throughout their time at Weobley High School
- The Career Leader and Work Experience Coordinator Mr Holder, is available to contact through the school admin email.
- Any parent can access careers and work experience support information and guidance by calling the schools number and asking to speak to the Careers Team.
As a parent you can support your child with their careers education by staying informed. The world of education is continually changing, as is the world of work. Many of the jobs we know so well, have or will soon become obsolete. This is opening up the labour market to a new field of occupations we are yet to see. Being aware of the labour market information could help you to support your child when considering their future options. The guide highlights the jobs which are important in the area we live, and the skills employers in the West Midlands are looking for.
How parents can support – Year 11
As your child approaches Year 11 they have some fundamental life changing decisions to make. These are decisions which can go on to shape their future. Below are some tips on how you can support your child in making the best choice for them.
- Encourage your son or daughter to consider all options.
- Look through the sixth form and college prospectuses with your son or daughter to see what options are available.
- Research Apprenticeship opportunities in the local area.
- Research the entry requirements for the courses they are interested in, encouraging them to be realistic about their next steps.
- Encourage your son or daughter to think about their next steps, long term future and how they will use the subjects / qualifications they have chosen.
- Discuss your son’s or daughter’s career ideas with their teachers or careers team.
- Discuss their subject’s choices with their teachers to find out how they are progressing and if taking the subject further would be a good idea.
- Encourage them to take part in extracurricular activities such as participating in work experience and/or become a volunteer.
Parents’ Guide to Unifrog
We would like to enable parents/carers to be able to support their children in the use of Unifrog and so we have created a parent/carers login. This will give you unlimited access to the Unifrog platform. Please use the link below and click the link in the right hand side of the page which says “Been given a sign up code? Use it here”. The code you will need to use is: WHSHparents. You will only need to use this code once.
Labour market information
As part of the Government’s strategy on Careers it is recommended that information about the local economy and the local jobs market is displayed and made available to parents and students. Please find this information below.
National Careers Service – How to use labour market information
A short animation commissioned by Education Development Trust, prime contractor of the National Careers Service, to inform teaching professionals about the role of labour market information in schools, and how to use it to enhance the careers education, information, advice and guidance provided in lessons.
For more information about the National Careers Service call 0800 100 900 or visit https://nationalcareersservice.direct
In addition to the useful tips above we would also like to invite all parents and carers to complete a very short survey regarding Careers Education, Information and Guidance (CEIAG) which will enable us to provide the best support for you.
Information for Employers
The value of employer engagement with our students cannot be underestimated. We are so proud of the huge number of employers who work with our students at Weobley High School, to prepare them for the world of work.
Through careers events such as careers speed networking, assemblies, work experience and open events, students have a multiplicity of opportunity to engage with employers. We are also continually looking at ways to incorporate whole school events such as careers fairs in to our programme.
We draw on the expertise of employers from a wide range of sectors: private, public and voluntary and our students benefit in so many ways. They develop an understanding of the workplace, of employer expectations, of the need and benefit of developing their transferable employability skills and most importantly of the breadth of opportunity available to them. They grow in confidence and self-belief. They learn more about what employers have to offer: apprenticeships, internships, scholarship programmes, and so on. They develop a greater understanding of what they need to do in order to pursue their chosen career.
We are always looking to grow our employer partnerships and would welcome the offer of support from both local and national employers. To get involved please contact Mrs Lambert at staffsl@weobleyhigh.co.uk