Behaviour Policy

  1. All pupils, staff and visitors have the right to feel safe at all times at school. 
  2. Our schools are inclusive. All members of the schools’ communities should be free from discrimination of any sort. Measures to protect pupils should be set out in the Behaviour and Equality policies. 
  3. All policies should be underpinned by our ethical values of openness, honesty, social responsibility and caring for others. 
  4. School rules should be clearly set out in the Behaviour Policies and displayed around school. Governors expect these rules to be consistently applied by all staff. 
  5. Governors would like to see a wide range of rewards, consistently and fairly applied in such a way as to encourage and reward good behaviour around school.
  6. Sanctions for unacceptable/poor behaviour should be known and understood by all staff and pupils and consistently applied. We recognise that the use of rewards and sanctions must have regard to the individual situation and the individual pupil and that school staff will use their discretion in their use. Sanctions should however be applied fairly, consistently, proportionally and reasonably, taking into account SEND, disability and the needs of vulnerable pupils, and offering support as necessary. 
  7. The Governors expect pupils and parents to cooperate to maintain an orderly climate for learning. 
  8. The Governors wish to emphasise that violence, threatening behaviour or abuse by pupils or parents towards staff will not be tolerated. 
  9. The Governors expect the Executive Headteacher and Head of Primary School to include guidance on the use of reasonable force, within the Behaviour Policies. 
  10. The Governors expect the Behaviour Policies to set out the schools’ responses to non- criminal bad behaviour and bullying which occurs anywhere off the school premises and which is witnessed by a member of staff or reported to the school. 

The Behaviour Policy underpins the key aims of the school. We insist on: 

  • Equality of opportunity and access for all 
  • Academic and personal striving for excellence 
  • High quality teaching and learning 
  • Broad, balanced, creative learning opportunities 
  • A wealth of enrichment activities, both curricular and extra-curricular. 

This policy is based on legislation and advice from the Department for Education (DfE) on: 

In addition, this policy is based on: 

  • Section 175 of the Education Act 2002, which outlines a school’s duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of its pupils  
  • Sections 88 to 94 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, which requires schools to regulate pupils’ behaviour and publish a behaviour policy and written statement of behaviour principles, and gives schools the authority to confiscate pupils’ property 
  • DfE guidance explaining that maintained schools must publish their behaviour policy online 
  • Foster a positive culture based on praise and reward, leading to consistently high standards of work and behaviour  
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour 
  • Encourage pupils to take responsibility for developing a positive behaviour culture within the school 
  • Reward pupils who work hard and show an excellent attitude to the community and to learning 
  • Ensure that pupils act as appropriate ambassadors for the school on e.g. school trips, work placements, sports events and journeys to and from school 
  • Ensure that parents/carers are informed promptly of any concerns regarding their child and are given the opportunity to be involved in responding to their needs. 

 The Behaviour Policy sets out clearly a Behaviour Code for pupils to follow.  The rules for school and classroom conduct are based upon commonly accepted principles.  The code will be taught to all pupils so that they clearly understand what is required.  The aim is for pupils to recognise that they choose their behaviour and that a positive choice to support the school’s Behaviour Code will lead to reward.  Conversely, if they do not choose to follow the code, then they will be choosing a sanction. The school has developed measures to encourage pupils to take responsibility for their own behaviour and to help them to recognise the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. 

We encourage parents to take an active interest in their sons’/daughters’ progress. We undertake to contact parents at the onset of any problems occurring. We run monthly parent surgeries to arrange meetings between staff and parents. The quality of relationships in the school and at home is of crucial importance in forming pupils’ attitudes to good social behaviour and self-discipline.  

 Adults provide powerful role models for children and should, therefore, model the values such as courtesy and respect in all their dealings with other adults and pupils in the school. 

 Pupils with more challenging behaviour have the opportunity to benefit from a period of targeted support from the LInC and the school’s Pastoral and Support staff.  The school will look to use early identification procedures for those pupils at risk, in order to establish a support programme. 


  • They will praise good behaviour and achievement and use the school’s reward system consistently 
  • Key rules will be reinforced whenever possible by acknowledging pupils who are following them 
  • They will reinforce the required behaviour.  This will give pupils who break rules a chance to improve behaviour rather than receiving a sanction 
  • It will be made clear to pupils that they have a choice – they may choose not to have a punishment by complying with the rules; choice reinforces personal responsibility for actions 
  • Staff will set clear objectives and will give instructions through simple, direct language 
  • They will apply a consistent approach to behaviour management 
  • To utilise fully pupil support systems within the school 
  • Regular liaison with parents and other agencies   

Pupils will be expected to follow two Codes of Conduct: `The Behaviour Code’ governing behaviour around school and, `The Learning Ethos’ which particularly relates to attitudes to learning in lessons. It was drawn up in consultation with pupils, parents/carers and school staff. 

It is expected that pupils will: 

  • Arrive on time for registration and all lessons with correct equipment 
  • Follow all instructions straight away 
  • Wear correct uniform appropriately 
  • Respect the school environment by: placing all litter in bins; eating only in designated areas; moving around the building quietly; handling all school property and equipment with care 
  • Be polite and helpful to everyone including staff, other pupils and visitors. 


The school recognises that regular professional development is essential in developing the positive climate for learning, and will strive to ensure that all staff members have access to Continued Professional Development (CPD) as identified through self-evaluation and individual performance management reviews. The school provides opportunities as appropriate, for staff to develop their knowledge and skills in implementing the behaviour policy. 

The school shares information on good practice gleaned from reviews of: 

  • Individual practice 
  • Whole-school practice 
  • Practice in other schools 
  • Cross-phase practice 
  • Cross-departmental practice 
  • Government guidance 

 Relevant information is shared with all members of staff and the governing body to better inform decision-making, and to assist in meeting the educational needs of all pupils at the school. 

Staff have the statutory authority to discipline pupils whose behaviour is unacceptable, who break the Behaviour Code or who fail to follow a reasonable instruction. As a school we work to support pupils so that they can make better behavioural choices in the future. As such the available sanctions are to be used to promote and develop positive behaviour. All staff and pupils are expected to use the opportunities provided within the sanction system to look to resolve the issues that have led to the inappropriate behaviour. 

The school defines acceptable behaviour as that which promotes courtesy, cooperation and consideration from all pupils in terms of their relationships with other pupils within/outside the school, teachers and other school staff and with visitors or other persons within/outside the school premises. 

The school has identified examples of unacceptable behaviour as that which include: 

  • name calling 
  • verbal abuse 
  • threatening language or behaviour 
  • intimidation  
  • defiance 
  • fighting 
  • physical abuse  
  • damage to or theft of property belonging to another 
  • breaking the law 
  • bullying (including cyber bullying and sexual bullying)  
  • harassment and all forms of prejudice-related behaviours (including bullying on the grounds of body image/size/obesity, homophobic bullying, racist bullying, faith-based bullying, ageist bullying, disability bullying, and sexist bullying). 


The school has a system of rewards which aims to motivate and encourage pupils. This is an important aspect of the ethos of the school in that the achievements and successes of pupils, at whatever level, are noted and given due worth. This helps to build upon individual self-confidence and self-esteem and leads to further personal development. 

We believe that, if pupils are to benefit from their education then, punctuality, regular attendance, an excellent work ethos and good behaviour are crucial and we, as a school, will do all we can to reward such positive attitudes. We recognise that parents and other stakeholders have a vital role to play in promoting a positive attitude to school and together with the school can help celebrate achievement at all levels and in all areas of school life. 

The school undertakes to provide and encourage a safe and engaging learning environment that will enable individual success to be encouraged and rewarded, through an effective rewards and sanctions system that is applied fairly and consistently. 

Praise begins with frequent use of encouraging language and gestures, both in lessons and around the school, so that positive behaviour is instantly recognised and positively rewarded. A system of rewards is used also to recognise and congratulate pupils when they set a good example or show improvement. Rewards might include, for example: 

  • Verbal praise 
  • The awarding of merit points on our ‘E-Praise’ system 
  • ‘Congratulations’ and ‘good news’ postcards home 
  • Personalised letters or emails to parents 
  • Certificates which recognise positive contributions to the school community and ethos. 
  • Learning Co-ordinator Awards for positive conduct 
  • End of term year group trips and visits 


Parents can support the school’s positive approach to rewarding success by:  

  • Actively supporting all the school’s policies 
  • Ensuring regular and prompt attendance  
  • Checking the Student E-Praise platform regularly 
  • Responding in a supportive way to all communications from the school 
  • Providing suitable conditions for homework to be completed 
  • Attending the annual consultation day. 


Pupils are expected to adopt a positive approach to the achievement of success whilst supporting the rules of the school and behaving in a polite and responsible manner. 

Also by: 

  • Attending school regularly and being on time 
  • Keeping an accurate and up-to-date student planner 
  • Completing all work to the best of their ability 
  • Meeting deadlines for the completion of all school-work. 


Students who follow the Codes of Conduct and work to the best of their ability will be recognised and rewarded. Students who are following the Code of Conduct will receive Merits, these will be recorded on our web-based system E-Praise. This System will allow students and parents to log on to their own accounts, so that they can clearly see merit points totals and why they were given. 

There will be: 

  • Praise from members of staff. 
  • Merits awarded on E-Praise 
  • Milestone certificates 
  • Subject or School accolade badges awarded on E-Praise 
  • Out of school reward trips and opportunities.  
  • Certificates, postcards and badges for achievement. 

 Community Awards 

Community awards are given to students who are consistently reinforcing the ethos of the school as outlined in ‘The School Code of Conduct’. Merit awards and certificates may be given for any of the following: 

High standards of: 

  • Conduct 
  • Punctuality 
  • Organisation (being well-equipped for lessons) 
  • Uniform 
  • Consideration of others 
  • Care for the environment 
  • Contribution to Community Activities 

Learning Coordinator Commendation 

Learning Coordinators may give a Commendation Award to individuals who have contributed significantly to any aspect of our community or are excelling at School. Pupils will be congratulated in person by the Learning Co-ordinator and will be given a certificate.  

Headteacher’s Commendation 

Students, who have produced particularly high standards of work for their ability, may be referred by a subject teacher to the Headteacher for a letter of commendation. Students will be congratulated in person by the Headteacher and be given a certificate.  

Sanction System


Level 1

Warning/conversation with student


Vast Majority of discipline issues dealt with at stage 1 and 2.



Level 2

First time behaviours

Break-time/small detention


Referral Recorded on E-Praise (if necessary)

Book into a Break detention on E-Praise



Department Intervention – Conversation with HOD – Department strategies



Level 3

Detention set by HOD

Book into a HOD detention on E-Praise

Referral recorded on E-Praise

Tutor to have an overview.


Is the student receiving numerous?


  • Referrals
  • Detentions


  • Contact parents
  • Report
  • Parent Surgery Appointment
  • Support for teachers
  • Conversation with student.
  • Contact LCO for further support.




Level 4


School Lunchtime detention Booked

Detention booked on E-Praise


Level 5

If continuous/more serious in nature

Seek advice from



The LInC

Possible Actions:

Parents surgery appointment

Letter home

Homework Club

Text home

Phone call home

Meeting with tutor/LCO/SLT and student

Meeting with parents


Level 6

Afterschool detention

Phone call (ideal)

After school letter home

Meeting with parents

Pastoral Team

Level 7

PSP / Contract

Involve Local Authority RJ/LCO

Change of placement

Change in curriculum

Removal from some lessons



Level 8

Involve SLT/Governors

Serious Behaviour/Incident Concern


The school will implement an agreed range of strategies to deal with inappropriate behaviour by pupils,


  • Talking one to one with the pupil
  • Verbal reprimand
  • Time out
  • Referring matters to the appropriate member of staff
  • Making a referral to the LInC, via the appropriate channels
  • Instituting pupil searches, as appropriate
  • Withdrawal of school privileges
  • Phone call or letter to parents/carers      
  • Parental meeting
  • Report card
  • Referral to external agencies
  • Detention
  • Being placed on a school behaviour contract
  • Governor behaviour panel
  • Internal isolation
  • Internal suspension
  • Fixed term or permanent suspension.

As much as there is an onus on pupils to take ownership of their behaviour, the school also expects all adults to maintain a professional approach in managing their own behaviours when intervening and interacting with pupils.


The times outside school hours when detention can be given include: 

  • Any school day where the pupil does not have permission to be absent 
  • Weekends – except the weekend preceding or following the half-term break 
  • Non-teaching days – such as INSET days. 

 When imposing detentions, the following should be considered: 

  • Parental consent is not required 
  • When deciding the timing, the member of staff should work with the parents and give at least 24 hours notice. Detentions, including after-school detentions are mandatory.  
  • When lunchtime detentions are set staff should allow reasonable time for the pupil to eat, drink and use the toilet. No student will be kept for more than 40 minutes on any lunchtime. 

 A central detention system is accessed after pupils have followed through sanctions at department level. Teachers are responsible for any initial sanctions within the classroom. Pupils are expected to adhere to the behaviour code. Teachers can set break time or lunchtime detentions to be completed with them. Once behaviour is repeated or is more serious in nature, pupils are to be referred to the Head of Department. At this point, sanctions ranging from break time to after school detentions can be set.  Heads of Department will make the decision regarding the correct level of sanction. 

After-school detentions will be held for more serious or consistent breaches of school rules. The subject teacher/Learning Co-ordinator will supervise the after-school detention and will be responsible for sending a letter to parents to notify them or calling the parent directly by telephone. Although 24 hours’ notice does not have to be given, good practice should permit letters to be posted to arrive no less than 24 hours prior to the detention. Any difficulties concerning supervision, transport or parental consent should be discussed with a member of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Staff should ensure that there are at least two adults supervising pupils in after-school detention, or that a member of staff is working in that area. Whilst in detention pupils will be asked to reflect on why they have received a detention and how to prevent it next time. 

Green report – This is used to monitor current performance across all subjects. (This is not a punishment).  Should the green report indicate that the problems are only occurring in one subject, the tutor may decide to remove the pupil from this form of report and liaise with the department head who may wish to organise a subject report.  

Red report – Pupils who appear to be underperforming in several subjects or whose behaviour is a matter of concern will have targets identified and be placed on report by the form tutor for one or two weeks.  

 Pupils who improve while on report should be removed from report and parents should receive a positive letter or telephone call.  

Should there be a continuing cause for concern; pupils will be referred to their Learning Co-ordinator. 

All interventions by the Tutor/ Head of Department/ Learning Co-ordinator will be logged and dated in E-Praise. Copies of letters should be filed in the front office. 

Learning Co-ordinators will regularly monitor the behaviour of the year group and will liaise with staff with regard to pupils causing concern. Should a pupil fail to improve when on report to the tutor or Head of Department, he/she will be referred to their Learning Co-ordinator who will interview the pupil and liaise with staff prior to deciding upon a course of action. The Learning Co-ordinator should involve parents. 

 The Learning Co-ordinator may: 

  • Invite parents into school to discuss the issues  
  • Conduct a detailed performance review of the student 
  • Place the pupil back on report for a limited period (Red report card) 
  • Inform parents that pupils will be reporting directly to the Learning Co-ordinator, initially for one week, to monitor their work/behaviour 
  • Instigate a system of instant withdrawal from lessons pending the setting up of a Pastoral Support Programme 
  • Refer to the Deputy Headteacher (Student Support). 

Suspensions from school are a serious intervention and employed when a student has refused to comply or is acting as a danger to others. Permanent exclusion will be a last resort after strategies linked to the school’s behaviour policy have been exhausted or if allowing the pupil to remain in school would be seriously detrimental to the pupil, the needs or safety of other pupils or staff. 

Prior to suspension or permeant exclusion: 

  • Pupils whose behaviour is deteriorating and are in danger of facing permanent exclusion may be placed on a Pastoral Support Programme. Parents and a representative from the Local Authority (LA Inclusion Officer) will be involved in drawing up an appropriate plan. 
  • If events show that a support strategy has failed to help the pupil respond, then a decision may be made that a permanent exclusion is appropriate. For pupils with a statement of SEND, an emergency review will be convened, prior to exclusion. 

Delivery of the curriculum to suspended pupils. 

In the initial letter to parents advising of suspension, the Executive Headteacher will provide details of the arrangements for the setting and marking of work. Parents/carers should arrange for the work to be collected and returned for marking.   This will continue until the pupil returns to school or is taken off roll. 

Serious unacceptable behaviour may result in the establishment of a Governing Body Behaviour Panel to examine the future of an individual student at Weobley High School. One of the options considered by the panel will be the drawing up of a behaviour contract between the student, parent and school. 

If a pupil is suspended from school, the Chair of Governors is automatically informed.  Parents have the right to appeal to the Governors against suspension.  The role of the governing body/committee is to review suspensions imposed by the Executive Headteacher. They can uphold a suspension, or direct the pupil’s reinstatement. Governing body meetings need only to take place for permanent exclusions or fixed term suspensions of over 5 days. A Local Authority Adviser will also be invited. 

If requested by a parent the local authority will be required to arrange an independent review panel to consider the decision of the governing body. The panel will not have the power to force the school to reinstate an excluded pupil. The school will investigate all possible ways to avoid permanent exclusion, including a managed move to another school.  However, for pupils who persistently misbehave, permanent exclusion remains a possibility.  

The school will ensure it gives appropriate support to individual pupils, who may be at risk of disaffection or suspension, including: 

  • learner support (Internal and external) 
  • mentoring 
  • individual education planning 
  • curriculum and curriculum resources 
  • teaching strategies 
  • study support 
  • behaviour and anger management 
  • emotional and social support. 

The school will monitor the use of rewards and sanctions to ensure that its arrangements operate with due regard to equal opportunities and anti-discrimination, and the school’s statutory duties in respect of additional needs, religion/belief, race, sexual orientation and gender equality. 

Staff must ensure that they eliminate discrimination or inequality. As a school we are keen to ensure that we do not discriminate – through application of this policy – against pupils whose inappropriate behaviour may be a function of their SEND, religion/belief, race, sex, LGTBQ+ and or gender reassignment. When dealing with inappropriate behaviour all staff must accept that there will be circumstances in which some pupils may be treated differently from others and are expected to take account of those individual pupil needs when applying sanctions. These students may require or be offered a safe space tom talk and/or an appropriate adult to support them. 

When considering a behavioural sanction for a pupil with SEND, the school will consider whether: 

  • The pupil was unable to understand the rule or instruction  
  • The pupil was unable to act differently at the time as a result of their SEND  
  • The pupil was likely to behave aggressively due to their particular SEND  

If the answer to any of these is ‘yes’, it may be unlawful for the school to sanction the pupil for the behaviour. 

The school will then assess whether it is appropriate to use a sanction and if so, whether any reasonable adjustments need to be made to the sanction. 

Considering whether a pupil displaying challenging behaviour may have unidentified SEND 

The school’s special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCO) may evaluate a pupil who exhibits challenging behaviour to determine whether they have any underlying needs that are not currently being met. 

Where necessary, support and advice will also be sought from specialist teachers, an educational psychologist, medical practitioners and/or others, to identify or support specific needs. 

When acute needs are identified in a pupil, we will liaise with external agencies and plan support programmes for that child. We will work with parents/carers to create the plan and review it on a regular basis. 

Pupils with an education, health and care (EHC) plan 

The provisions set out in the EHC plan must be secured and the school will co-operate with the local authority and other bodies.  

If the school has a concern about the behaviour of a pupil with an EHC plan, it will make contact with the local authority to discuss the matter. If appropriate, the school may request an emergency review of the EHC plan. 

At Weobley we wish to promote equality and eradicate all forms of bullying. Sanctions and restorative approaches will be applied as appropriate to the circumstancesIf a parent feels that the measures or sanctions in the behaviour policy are unfair or have been unfairly applied, they can lodge a complaint through the school’s complaints procedure. 

There will be times when, despite the best endeavours of the school and implementation of the behaviour policy, the school will require outside intervention. 


The school will work with a variety of external professionals (including pupil counselling, educational psychologists, voluntary sector, health authority/trust, social care/child protection and police). 

The school will participate appropriately in implementing an early help assessment to ensure effective early identification and integration of services to meet the needs of children and families, including: 

  • Behaviour Support Service 
  • Pupil Referral Unit 
  • Early Help Team 
  • Education Psychology Service 
  • Health Services, including Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) 
  • Social Care/MASH Team 
  • Information, Advice and Guidance (including Connexions) 
  • Family Support Workers 
  • Youth Offending Team 
  • Drug Counselling Agencies 
  • Learning Mentors 
  • Police 
  • CLD Youth Counselling Trust 
  • Home-Start 
  • Channel Panel/Prevent 

The following items are prohibited within the school:  

  • Jewellery – Pupils are permitted to wear a watch and one stud in each ear. No facial jewellery is allowed, including eye, nose, lip or tongue piercing. 
  • Chewing Gum  
  • Solvents  
  • Aerosols  
  • Stink bombs 
  • Fireworks and explosive devices  
  • Offensive weapons (including chains and replica weapons)  
  • Imitation weapons including BB guns
  • Pornography 
  • Illegal drugs including cigarettes, e-cigarettes, other tobacco products and alcohol  
  • Lighters and matches
  • Personal electronic devices such as phones, i-pods, MP3 players, smart watches and electronic games, portable speakers etc 
  • Skateboards and roller blades 
  • Student motor bikes and mopeds. 

The school reserves the right to prohibit other items not mentioned which are deemed dangerous or inappropriate within the school environment.   

  • The Executive Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and Learning Co-ordinators can search a pupil for any item banned under school rules, if the pupil agrees. If the pupil refuses, the school can apply an appropriate sanction. 
  • The Senior Leadership Team and Learning Co-ordinators have the power to search pupils or their possessions, without consent, where they suspect the pupil has certain prohibited items. The items include: 
  • knives or weapons 
  •  alcohol 
  •  illegal drugs 
  •  stolen items 
  •  tobacco and cigarette papers 
  •  fireworks 
  • pornographic images 
  •  any article that the member of staff reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to 

be, used: 

  • to commit an offence, or 
  • to cause personal injury to, or damage to the property of, any person (including the pupil). 
  • Headteachers and authorised staff can also search for any item banned by the school rules which has been identified in the rules as an item which may be searched for. 

Good Practice 

Any search must be conducted by two members of staff. One member of staff must be the same gender as the pupil being searched, where reasonably practicable the second member of staff should also be of the same gender. A child must not be asked to remove any items of clothing, other than items of outdoor clothing such as their coat, jacket, hats, shoes, boots, gloves and scarfs. A search can also be taken of lockers and bags. A pupil’s possessions must be searched in the presence of the pupil.  On undertaking a search the Executive Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher must be informed and the conclusion recorded on e-praise and/or CPOMS if the search results in a safeguarding concern.  

The general power to discipline enables a member of staff to confiscate a pupil’s property. The purpose of confiscating property is to maintain an environment conducive to learning – one which safeguards the rights of other pupils to be educated with regard to health and safety, threats to good order, standards of uniform and the ethos of the school. 

The member of staff can use their discretion to confiscate, retain and/or destroy any item found as a result of a ‘with consent’ search as long as it is reasonable in the circumstances. Where any article is thought to be a weapon it must be passed to the police.  

A person carrying out a ‘without consent’ search can seize anything they have reasonable grounds for suspecting is a prohibited item (that is a weapon/knife; alcohol; illegal drugs or stolen items) or is evidence in relation to an offence. 

  • Where a person conducting a search finds alcohol, they may dispose of it. 
  • Where they find controlled drugs, these must be delivered to the police as soon as possible unless there is a good reason not to do so – in which case the drugs must be disposed of. 
  • Where they find other substances which are not believed to be controlled drugs these can be confiscated where a teacher believes them to be harmful or detrimental to good order and discipline. This would include, for example, so called ‘legal highs’. Where staff suspect a substance may be controlled they should treat them as controlled drugs as outlined above. 
  • Where they find stolen items, these must be delivered to the police unless there is a good reason not to do so – in which case the stolen item should be returned to the owner. These stolen items may be retained or disposed of if returning them to their owner is not practicable. 

The item should be labelled and taken to the School Office for storage and the Executive Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher informed. The return of other prohibited items as listed within this policy will be at the discretion of the school depending on the nature of the item.  The item would then be collected by the pupil at the end of the day/week or collected by the parent. Some confiscated items may need to be stored safely until the parent/carer can come to retrieve them. If a mobile phone is confiscated for a second time, it is the policy of the school that it should be collected by the parent/carer. 

What the law allows: 

  • Schools can require pupils to undergo screening by a walk-through or hand-held metal detector (arch or wand) even if they do not suspect them of having a weapon and without the consent of the pupils.
  • Schools’ statutory power to make rules on pupil behaviour2 and their duty as an employer to manage the safety of staff, pupils and visitors enables them to impose a requirement that pupils undergo screening.
  • Any member of school staff can screen pupils.

Also note: 

  • If a pupil refuses to be screened, the school may refuse to have the pupil on the premises. Health and safety legislation requires a school to be managed in a way which does not expose pupils or staff to risks to their health and safety and this would include making reasonable rules as a condition of admittance.
  • If a pupil fails to comply, and the school does not let the pupil in, the school has not excluded the pupil and the pupil’s absence should be treated as unauthorised. The pupil should comply with the rules and attend.
  • This type of screening, without physical contact, is not subject to the same conditions as apply to the powers to search without consent.

Members of staff have the power to use reasonable force to prevent pupils committing an offence, injuring themselves or others, or damaging property, and to maintain good order and discipline in the classroom.

A number of members of the Senior Leadership and Pastoral Team have received training in positive handling techniques.

All unacceptable behaviour should be recorded on e-praise. Information recorded should include the nature of the incident, the time date and location, pupils involved and the action taken.  

At Weobley High School we have high expectations of the behaviour and integrity of our pupils when off school premises. This includes behaviour on activities arranged by the school such as work experience, educational visits, alternative provision, behaviour on the way to and from school, behaviour when in a public place. 

To this end, the school will: 

  • Work with transport providers to agree how behaviour on contract transport should be addressed 
  • Make our expectations clear about the consequences of poor behaviour on transport, including temporary or permanent loss of access to transport 
  • Work with work experience/alternative education providers to ensure the school/provider contract makes clear our expectations of behaviour and procedures to use in the case of poor conduct, including the removal from a course 
  • If necessary liaise with West Mercia Police when incidents of poor out of school behaviour are reported  
  • Work with the local community, parents/carers when incidents of poor out of school behaviour are reported 
  • Ensure that all applications for educational visits include clear statements to pupils and parents/carers about behavioural expectations 
  • Implement a range of sanctions to deal with inappropriate out of school behaviour by pupils. 

Technology can be exploited by pupils in order to bully or embarrass fellow pupils or members of staff. The use of defamatory or intimidating messages/images will not be tolerated and confiscation and disciplinary sanctions will be applied to perpetrators as appropriatePolice involvement will also be considered. The school can examine or delete data on an electronic device if there is a good reason to do so. Mobile phones are not allowed on site, if any student brings in a mobile phone, this must be handed into the front office for the duration of the day. Any student found with a mobile phone will have it confiscated, if this is for the second time then a parent/carer will be asked to collect.  

Reviewed on: March 2024  

By: R Jones (Deputy Headteacher)  

Adopted by the Governing Body on: March 2024 

To be reviewed: March 2025