SEND Information Report
Our school currently provides additional and/or different provision for a range of needs, including:
- Communication and interaction, for example, autistic spectrum disorder, Asperger’s Syndrome, speech and language difficulties
- Cognition and learning, for example, dyslexia, dyspraxia
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties, for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Sensory and/or physical needs, for example, visual impairments, hearing impairments, processing difficulties, epilepsy
- Moderate and multiple learning difficulties
We will assess each pupil’s academic, social and emotional skills and levels of attainment on entry, which will build on previous settings and Key Stages, where appropriate. Class teachers will make regular assessments of progress for all pupils and identify those whose progress:
- Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
- Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
- Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
- Widens the attainment gap
This may include progress in areas other than attainment, for example, social needs.
- Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a pupil is recorded as having SEND.
When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the pupil and their parents. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether we can provide it by adapting our core offer, or whether something different or additional is needed.
Pupils who are thought to have special needs are identified as early as possible using the following procedures:
- Primary school liaison meetings or in the case of in year transfer liaison with the previous secondary school (where practicable).
- SATs scores – Key Stage 2 data
- Cognitive Ability Tests
- Test of reading age
- Test of spelling age
- Feedback from teaching staff
- Discussions with parents
- LInC or specialist teacher assessment
- A range of further specialist assessments, including:
- British Picture Vocabulary Scale
- Dyslexia portfolio
- NFer Non-Verbal Reasoning Tests
All the above data and information are available to staff through SIMS.
At ‘SEND support’ a subject teacher/learning support assistant can register a child’s concern, which is monitored and after consulting the school’s SENDCO, identified as SEND with appropriate action. The following process triggers provision at this stage:
- Pupil alert
- Special arrangements (literacy and numeracy or a short period of behaviour management intervention)
- Placed on SEND Register and monitored.
The SENDCO collates further information through:
- Feedback from or concerns raised by teaching staff
- In class observation by SENDCO and Teaching Assistants.
- Trawl sheets/record of referrals/concerns raised by Learning Coordinator or LInC manager
- Grade reviews
- LInC or specialist teacher assessment
The SENDCO following discussions with parents and pupils may refer to specialist agencies for further support for example:
- Hereford Psychological Services
- English as an Additional Language Team
- Sensory Impairment Team
- Physical Disability Team
- Hospital & Home Teaching Team
- CDC Teachers (Children Development Centre)
- Carers support
- EHS support team/FNM
- The Linden Child & Family Centre (CAMHS)
The SEND Register is a working document and is regularly updated throughout the term and school year in accordance with the Code of Practice. Pupils may be removed from the SEND Register in response to the effect of planned intervention or as a result of measured and monitored progress. During this time pupils may be included on the SEND Register in response to a newly identified need, usually at monitoring in the first instance.
We will have an early discussion with the pupil and their parents when identifying whether they need special educational provision. These conversations will make sure that:
- Everyone develops a good understanding of the pupil’s areas of strength and difficulty
- We take into account the parents’ concerns
- Everyone understands the agreed outcomes sought for the child
- Everyone is clear on what the next steps are
- Notes of these early discussions will be added to the pupil’s record and given to their parents.
- We will formally notify parents when it is decided that a pupil will receive SEND support.
We will follow the graduated approach and the four-part cycle of assess, plan, do, review.
The class or subject teacher will work with the SENDCO to carry out a clear analysis of the pupil’s needs. This will draw on:
- The teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil
- Their previous progress and attainment or behaviour
- Other teachers’ assessments, where relevant
- The individual’s development in comparison to their peers and national data
- The views and experience of parents
- The pupil’s own views
- Advice from external support services, if relevant
- The assessment will be reviewed regularly.
All teachers and support staff who work with the pupil will be made aware of their needs, the outcomes sought, the support provided, and any teaching strategies or approaches that are required. We will regularly review the effectiveness of the support and interventions and their impact on the pupil’s progress.
We will share information with the school, college, or other setting the pupil is moving to. We will agree with parents and pupils which information will be shared as part of this.
- In accordance with the Code of Practice, the SENDCO organises 14+ transition reviews for pupils with an EHC plan or statement. A representative from the local authority and the school’s careers advisor is invited to attend along with the parents and any other relevant agencies in order to ensure that the careers and vocational guidance given to pupils with SEND is of the highest quality.
- In addition, the SENDCO endeavours to attend all year 6 transition reviews as held by our feeder primary schools and runs a transition programme for the most vulnerable pupils.
- In the Primary School, the SENDCO liaises with staff from other schools and settings in order to gain as much information about a pupil before transition. When transferring children to other schools, information is shared through meetings or telephone conversations and the transition of files. A robust transition is in place for pupils transferring from the Primary School to the High School through the close partnership of both SENDCO.
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class.
We implement a graduated response for all children identified as having an additional need. High-quality teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. This will be differentiated for individual pupils.
We will also provide the following interventions:
- Personalised Learning programmes
- Specialist dyslexia teacher
- Targeted Provision Maps
- Buddy reading system
- Booster Literacy and numeracy classes/sessions
- Learning Support Assistants/Learning Mentors
- Inclusion Mentor to deliver interventions
- Staff development/training including LSAs
- Alternative curriculum/outreach programmes
We make the following adaptations to ensure all pupils’ needs are met:
- Differentiating our curriculum to ensure all pupils are able to access it, for example, by grouping, 1:1 work, teaching style, content of the lesson, etc.
- Adapting our resources and staffing
- Using recommended aids, such as laptops, coloured overlays, visual timetables, larger font, coloured exercise books, bold lined books etc.
- Differentiating our teaching, for example, giving longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, reading instructions aloud, etc.
We have a number of teaching assistants who are trained to deliver interventions such as Fresh Start, ASDAN, Thrive, ELKLAN.
- Teaching assistants will support pupils on a 1:1 basis when required.
- Teaching assistants will support pupils in small groups when deemed beneficial to the child / children
A candidate’s access arrangements requirement is determined by the SENDCO/Specialist Assessor.
Making access arrangements for candidates to take exams is the responsibility of both the Exam SENDCO and Exams officer. Submitting completed access arrangement applications to the awarding bodies is the responsibility of the SENDCO. Invigilation and support for access arrangement candidates will be organised by the SEND Exams LSA, with the Exams Officer.
Rooming for access arrangement candidates will be arranged by the SEND Exams LSA with the Exams Officer.
As an exam centre, we will ensure that the school is accessible to both internal and external pupils in order to comply with the Equality Act 2010, by considering the following:
The building –
- Ensure that the entrances to the centre and corridors approaching the exam rooms are well lit.
- Lighting should be evenly distributed, ensuring that it doesn’t cause glare and shadows. This is particularly important for people with a visual impairment or with perceptual difficulties.
- Ensure that there is no lighting which may trigger seizures for those pupils with epilepsy.
- Make sure that any obstacles are removed from corridors and that there are safe access and exit routes in order to meet the health and safety duty to staff and pupils, in particular people with mobility impairments, including wheelchair users.
- If possible, arrange exam rooms on the ground floor of the building and ensure that they are located near emergency exits.
- Where a private room has been arranged for an exam, check that the environment is suitable for the pupil e.g. ensure enough room for a wheelchair and its supports.
- Ensure that those who need to take medication during the course of the exam can do so in privacy and as speedily as possible.
- Try to arrange exam rooms which are close to an accessible toilet.
- Check that there is a facility to open the door in an accessible toilet from the outside in an emergency.
- Ensure that all staff and pupils, including disabled pupils and staff, are aware of the emergency evacuation procedures so disabled pupils can be safely evacuated from the building, whatever their impairment.
Seating –
- If it is known that a pupil may become unwell during the exam because of the nature of their disability, try to ensure they are seated close to the exits to make them feel more comfortable and limit disruption for others.
- Make sure that there is sufficient space between desks and chairs to enable a pupil (or invigilator) wheelchair user, to enter and leave the area without difficulty.
- Make sure that there are chairs available outside exam rooms to enable those with mobility issues or those who may simply be experiencing particular stress to sit and rest before they enter the exam.
- Ensure that seating is appropriate and comfortable for those who may have a disability which affects seating and posture.
Signage –
- Make sure that all the signs for the exam and those provided by JCQ are suitably sized and adapted to meet the needs of disabled pupils.
- Sign content should be simple, short and easily understood.
- Text and lettering should be clear, uncomplicated and in reasonably sized font (12pt).
Emergency evacuation –
- Ensure that all staff, including invigilators, know the procedures in place for disabled staff or pupils, in particular for those who may need assistance to leave a building.
- Procedures should be in place so that staff and invigilators know who is responsible for responding to emergency calls.
- Make sure that when evacuation and emergency procedures are being explained to pupils, appropriate explanation is given to disabled staff and pupils whose arrangements may be different.
Resources –
- Where computers are being used for an exam, ensure that hardware and software have been properly adapted and tested for those who may use them, such as people with a visual or aural impairment.
- Ensure that there are backups and alternatives in case support equipment ceases to function.
In addition to the above practical steps which ensure that the centre is appropriate for disabled pupils, a range of adjustments can be made to ensure there is a level playing field for disabled pupils. The Exams Officer will be very familiar with making adjustments to existing exam arrangements. These are not ‘concessions’ for the individual pupils but adjustments designed to reduce/remove unfair disadvantage.
These adjustments include:
- Modified test papers, for example enlarged print or Braille
- Up to 25 per cent extra time (or considerably more depending on the nature of a pupil’s disability)
- A reader or scribe. Be sensitive to the fact that many people, for example those with autism, will find it hard to relate to someone who is a stranger. Take steps to introduce these support workers to pupils before the exam.
- Supervised rest breaks. Pupils with hyperactivity or obsessive-compulsive disorders may need opportunities to take a break and rest during an exam. This may also be the case for pupils who experience fatigue because of their impairment or long-term conditions such as cancer. We will ensure that these rest areas are suitable, while still remaining secure for the purposes of the exam process.
- Different coloured scripts
- Use of a bilingual dictionary
- A prompter. In some cases where a pupil may have difficulty with time (e.g. a pupil with autism), a prompter will be able to assist the pupil to move on and not become fixated with a particular question at the expense of the whole paper.
- Use of a computer or other technology
- Use of an individual room
On results day, exam pupils receive their results in the school dining hall, which is accessible for all. Other options are available for those pupils that are unable to collect in person.
The SENDCOs across Weobley Schools’ Federation provide ongoing CPD on a need led basis. Two specialist assessors offer expertise across both schools in addition to the two SENDCOs.
We evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupils with SEND by:
- Reviewing pupils’ individual progress towards their goals each term
- Reviewing the impact of interventions after an agreed number of weeks
- Monitoring by the SENDCO
- Using provision maps to measure progress
- Holding annual reviews for pupils with EHC plans
- Pupil Progress meetings and records
All of our extra-curricular activities and school visits are available to all our pupils, including our before-and after-school clubs.
- All pupils are encouraged to go on our residential trip(s).
- All pupils are encouraged to take part in sports day/school plays/special workshops
- No pupil is ever excluded from taking part in these activities because of their SEND or disability.
All pupils with recognised special educational needs and disabilities will receive the same consideration under the school’s admission policy and in line with the Local Authority admissions policies.
The facilities you provide to help disabled pupils access your school
The local authority has carried out an accessibility audit and the school hold an accessibility plan and equality scheme.
We provide support for pupils to improve their emotional and social development in the following ways:
- Pupils with SEND are encouraged to be part of the school council
- Pupils with SEND are also encouraged to be part of school clubs to promote teamwork/building friendships
- We have a zero-tolerance approach to bullying
- THRIVE programmes
- WEST programme
Differentiation of resources and examination routes provide an appropriate curriculum for all abilities and for the pupils with additional needs. The main strategies for providing a differentiated curriculum at both schools can been seen as:
- Quality first teaching in lessons
- Active promotion of inclusive whole school culture
- Personalised Learning programmes
- Specialist dyslexia teacher
- Targeted Provision Maps
- Buddy reading system
- Booster Literacy and numeracy classes/sessions
- Learning Support Assistants/Learning Mentors
- Inclusion Mentor to deliver interventions
- Staff development/training including LSAs
- Alternative curriculum/outreach programmes
- Staff record arrangements for special educational needs on provision maps/planning.
- In the High School, support of pupils’ social, emotional and mental health needs, pupils have access through their Learning Co-ordinators to the LInC or to the school’s counsellor or directly to the school nurse drop-in service.
- In the Primary School, pupils are supported through specific targeted interventions, tailored to meet their needs. The Thrive programme is used to profile children’s needs and to devise a programme to focus on specific areas of difficulty in a nurturing environment. Pupils can also be referred to other professionals, such as Counsellors, School Nurse, CAMHS for external support.
Complaints about SEND provision in our school should be made to the class teacher, form tutor, SENDCO, or Headteacher in the first instance. They will then be referred to the school’s complaints policy.
The parents of pupils with disabilities have the right to make disability discrimination claims to the first-tier SEND tribunal if they believe that our school has discriminated against their children. They can make a claim about alleged discrimination regarding:
- Exclusions
- Provision of education and associated services
- Making reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services
Weobley Schools’ Federation parents and carers are always encouraged to contact the school whenever they have a concern about their child. If the concern or complaint is specific to the special needs of a child, discussion will generally involve the SENDCO and, if appropriate, other members of staff. Parents also have the right to contact the Children and Young People’s Directorate (CYPD) with any complaints concerning the education of their child. This is in conjunction with Schedule 1:12 (Code of Practice). Parents/guardians can also contact the SEND Governor via the school office.
SENDIASS or Telephone: 01432 260955
Herefordshire local offer
Herefordshire Educational Psychology Service
This policy links to our policies and Government guidelines
Accessibility plan
Equality information and objectives
Supporting pupils with medical conditions
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2022
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