Attendance Policy

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[slide name=”Introduction”]
At Weobley High School we place great importance on good attendance; which is crucial in helping students to fulfil their academic potential. As a school we look to raise levels of achievement by encouraging the highest levels of attendance, punctuality and involvement in the school. Research shows that there is a clear link between attendance and pupil attainment and well-being.
Under Section 7 of the Education Act 1996, parents are responsible for making sure that their children who are of compulsory school age receive full-time education. Parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child’s regular attendance at the school where they are registered.
[slide name=”School Responsibilities”]

  • Will ensure that records of attendance are maintained on a daily basis according to Government legislation and guidance
  • Will encourage good attendance and will investigate unexplained or unjustified absence
  • Will follow up on instances of poor attendance and punctuality
  • Will keep parents informed of their child’s attendance/punctuality record
  • Will work closely with parents, should attendance or punctuality give cause for concern
  • Will implement a system of rewards and sanctions

[slide name=”Parent Responsibilities”]

  • Are legally responsible for ensuring their child’s regular and punctual attendance
  • Will inform school of the reasons for their child’s absence on the first day of absence
  • Will avoid arranging family holidays during term time
  • Will maintain regular communication with school staff where necessary

[slide name=”Pupils Responsibilities”]

  • Are expected to attend school and all of their lessons regularly and punctually
  • Must hand notes giving reasons for any absences to the relevant person
  • Are expected to be ready to learn
  • Will not leave the school without permission

[slide name=”Communication with School”]
In order that we might be sure of the whereabouts and safety of our pupils we ask that parents/carers contact the school by 9.00am on the morning of the first day of absence to notify us of the reason for that absence. The methods for doing this are:
By phone: 01544 318159
By Email:
If the absence extends beyond a day, parents/carers should ring each day to keep the school updated. On return to school, a member of staff may discuss the absence with the pupil.
In most cases, absences for illness which are reported by following the school’s absence reporting procedure will be authorised. That is unless the school has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness. The school may then ask the parent to provide medical evidence, such as a prescription, appointment card, or other appropriate form of evidence. We will not ask for medical evidence unnecessarily. In some instances, the school may ask the parent to obtain a letter from a GP, or the school may seek parental permission to contact a pupil’s GP directly.
[slide name=”Lateness and Punctuality”]
Poor punctuality is unacceptable. Where a child misses the start of the day they miss work and do not spend time with their form tutor, missing vital information and news of the day. Pupils arriving late also disrupt lessons, can cause embarrassment to the child and can encourage absence. Registers close at 9.15am
[slide name=”Planned absence during term times”]
Medical and dental appointments should be made outside school time wherever possible. If a pupil does have to leave school for an appointment, where possible the appointment should be made at the start or end of the school day. A note should be made to the form tutor in advance, stating the time and date of the appointment.
Requests for a planned day of absence, for example to attend a family ceremony or music examination should be made in advance. The school will consider the request, taking into account the reasons given and the student’s attendance record.
Parents are expected to take family holidays during school holidays and should not take pupils on holiday in term time. Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted. We expect everyone to aim for 100% attendance at school and to this end we do not support family holidays during term-time. Families who take unauthorised holidays in term time will be issued with a penalty notice. Parents planning a holiday due to exceptional circumstances should contact the school in writing at least a month in advance clearly stating the exceptional reasons for the need to take the holiday during the school term and the school will consider the request.
[slide name=”Penalty Notice”]
A Penalty Notice may be issued to any parent who fails to ensure regular and punctual attendance of their child at school. Headteachers and nominated deputies may request a Penalty Notice to be issued. A Penalty Notice is a fine issued and administered by Herefordshire Council.
Families who take unauthorised holidays in school term time will be issued with a Penalty Notice (fine) £60 per parent, per child which rises to £120 per parent, per child if not paid within 21 days. There is no appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice. Failure to pay a Fixed Penalty Notice may lead to legal procedures under the Education Act 1996 Section 444(1).
[slide name=”Safeguarding and Attendance”]
Our school will monitor trends and patterns of absence for all pupils as part of our standard procedures. However, we are aware that sudden or gradual changes in a pupil’s attendance may indicate additional or a more extreme safeguarding issue. In line with government guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education we will investigate and report any suspected safeguarding concerns to the relevant authorities.
[slide name=”Children Missing Education(CME)”]
Our school will add and delete pupils from role in line with the law. The school will follow Herefordshire Child Missing Education process and make a CME referral as appropriate.
[slide name=”Support”]
Whilst any pupil could be off school due to illness, sometimes they may become reluctant to attend school. Staff will work with families to address any issues or problems with attendance which may arise. We advise strongly against families allowing a child to be absent from school and have professionals at school who are able to offer assistance if this becomes a problem.
Members of Staff have regular conversations with pupils with regard to their attendance. Pupils are tracked and monitored through our pastoral system. If you have any concerns with your child’s attendance, please discuss it with their Form Tutor or Learning Co-ordinator. Likewise, we may invite you in to discuss the situation with a member of our pastoral team. As a school we work closely with the Herefordshire Council to improve attendance across the school.
All staff at Weobley High School are committed to working with parents and pupils towards the best way of ensuring as high a level of attendance as possible and that every child’s welfare and life opportunities are promoted.
[slide name=”Further Information”]
Further information can be found on the Herefordshire Council website at:
Reviewed on:                                                                   June 2021
By:                                                                                         D. Nicholas (Deputy Headteacher)
Reviewed at:                                                                      SLT June 2021
To be reviewed:                                                                June 2023