Parent feedback
Every year we ask parents and carers to complete a questionnaire as part of Parent Consultation Days.  This is a key part of our Self-Evaluation and we use this information to provide us with useful feedback to ensure that we can continue to improve.
From our most recent survey, over 300 parents from across all year groups completed questionnaires.  The following table is a summary of the results:

Statement Agree / Strongly agree Disagree / Strongly disagree
1. My child enjoys school 94% 6%
2. The school keeps my child safe 97% 3%
3. The school informs me about my child’s progress 93% 7%
4. My child is making enough progress at school 93% 7%
5. The teaching is good at this school 97% 3%
6. The school helps me to support my child’s learning 91% 9%
7. The school helps my child to have a healthy lifestyle 88% 12%
8. The school makes sure that my child is well prepared for the future 94% 6%
9. The school meets my child’s particular needs 94% 6%
10. The school deals effectively with unacceptable behaviour 87% 13%
11. The school takes account of my suggestions and concerns 95% 5%
12. The school is led and managed effectively 95% 5%
13. Overall, I am happy with my child’s experience at this school 99% 1%